Homewico › WICO MAGNETO BRACKET for a Nelson Brothers Hit & Miss Old Gas Engine

WICO MAGNETO BRACKET for a Nelson Brothers Hit & Miss Old Gas Engine

WICO MAGNETO BRACKET for a Nelson Brothers Hit & Miss Old Gas Engine

WICO MAGNETO BRACKET for a Nelson Brothers Hit & Miss Old Gas Engine

WICO MAGNETO BRACKET for a Nelson Brothers Hit & Miss Old Gas Engine

WICO MAGNETO BRACKET for a Nelson Brothers Hit & Miss Old Gas Engine

WICO MAGNETO BRACKET for a Nelson Brothers Hit & Miss Old Gas Engine

WICO MAGNETO BRACKET for a Nelson Brothers Hit & Miss Old Gas Engine

WICO MAGNETO BRACKET for a Nelson Brothers Hit & Miss Old Gas Engine

WICO MAGNETO BRACKET for a Nelson Brothers Hit & Miss Old Gas Engine

WICO MAGNETO BRACKET for a Nelson Brothers Hit & Miss Old Gas Engine

WICO MAGNETO BRACKET for a Nelson Brothers Hit & Miss Old Gas Engine

WICO MAGNETO BRACKET for a Nelson Brothers Hit & Miss Old Gas Engine

WICO MAGNETO BRACKET for a Nelson Brothers Hit & Miss Old Gas Engine

WICO MAGNETO BRACKET for a Nelson Brothers Hit & Miss Old Gas Engine

WICO MAGNETO BRACKET for a Nelson Brothers Hit & Miss Old Gas Engine

WICO MAGNETO BRACKET for a Nelson Brothers Hit & Miss Old Gas Engine

WICO MAGNETO BRACKET for a Nelson Brothers Hit & Miss Old Gas Engine

Here are a Wico EK magneto bracket for a Nelson Brothers engine. There are no cracks, breaks, or welds that I can see or know of. Check out the pictures and see if you need it.

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